kristina’s blog

samford psychologist kristina challands’ latest tips & advice

Refresh Your “Story of Us”

Refresh Your “Story of Us”

Most couples have a “story of us” that forms the basis of family myth and legend. Couple Jordan and Riley have a negative story that tends to predict the way they view their interactions and relationship. Dr John Gottman calls this ‘negative sentiment override’. It...

What Matters To You, in 2020?

What Matters To You, in 2020?

We’re surrounded by media exhorting us to set New Year’s resolutions for 2020.  “Lose weight”, “Give up alcohol”; “Get a work/life balance”. Maybe we finished up the work year with our boss telling us next year it’s time to “take on more responsibility”, “work longer...

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Kristina Challands Psychologist

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Kristina Challands Psychologist