Can I do couples therapy without my partner?

Yes. When your partner isn’t ready or willing to come with you to therapy it can still be beneficial to work through relationship issues on your own.

Yes, you could make changes in the relationship more quickly if you both attended therapy, but you can still make good progress on your own.

Therapy Room
More Than Money



Going to therapy alone is an expression of commitment. It shows you are willing to make changes in your life for the betterment of the relationship. And generally, if the relationship wins, both partners win. When one partner makes changes, the other partner will change in response. As you role model different behaviour, your partner will respond.

In sessions the focus will be on you as an individual and how you show up for yourself and for the relationship. You can’t change your partner. But as you grow and change and behave in new ways, your partner is likely to change in response.



Setting Yourself Up For Success

  • Find an experienced couples’ therapist who’s familiar with doing couples therapy for one. A couples-based approach will be far more effective than doing traditional individual therapy. Kristina has trained in couples’ therapy for individuals.
  • Set your goals with your therapist. If you are uncertain about the viability of the relationship you may want to explore any red flags or relationship deal breakers first.
  • Educate yourself on what a healthy relationship looks like. The research evidence is clear and we no longer rely on myths from the past about how relationships work.
  • Share your learnings with your partner.
  • Check in with your partner to see how any changes are working for them.
  • As difficult issues arise you can plan conversations with your therapist and role play before attempting a difficult discussion at home.
  • Practice making the changes.
  • Celebrate your successes.


A couples trained therapist can assist with relationship discord by applying Gottman principles. Kristina works with Gottman Method Couples Therapy, an evidence based therapy founded on 40 years of research.

Call on 0487 480 120 or complete our online booking form to make an appointment with Kristina Challands to take the first step towards understanding how great relationships work.

Medicare rebates are available for individuals who have obtained a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) from their GP. You can learn more under Fees.


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Kristina Challands Psychologist

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Kristina Challands Psychologist